Case Study: Ewell Plaza

Case Study: Ewell Plaza

Downtown Lancaster’s Ewell Plaza, located across from Binns Park on North Queen Street, is the result of a city initiative to renovate and reinvigorate Lancaster Square. The public space honors the spirit and legacy of local Olympian Barney Ewell and is designed to be...
5 Reasons to Remove a Low-Head Dam

5 Reasons to Remove a Low-Head Dam

The US Army Corps of Engineers lists more than 90,000 dams in its National Inventory of Dams, making them a common feature of our waterways. These structures have been built for a variety of beneficial uses — including irrigation, water supply, power generation, flood...
Case Study: Culliton Park

Case Study: Culliton Park

The Culliton Park project, located in southwest Lancaster City, arose from a need to address the park’s deteriorating condition. Project demolition consisted of removing existing trees, subgrade utility structures, storm water piping, concrete walks, and asphalt...
Case Study: Fox Run Floodplain Restoration

Case Study: Fox Run Floodplain Restoration

The Fox Run Floodplain Restoration was a comprehensive floodplain restoration project on two unnamed tributaries to Fox Run in Dover Township, Pennsylvania. The first of several phases of a plan to transform a dilapidated golf course into a township park, the aim was...